Here is the old wooden ceiling that was under the ceiling tiles. Mom wanted to scrape the paint and repaint it so we could leave it,but it was going to take alot of work.

Nick and Macy scraping wallpaper. (Nick doesn't take serious pictures)

Peyton wanted her picture taken but I was only taking pictures of people that were working, so, she went and did her hair then posed for a picture!

This is a close up of the wallpaper that was on the wall. We saved several small pieces of it.

Here is a little door that we found behind the paneling. I thought for sure we would find some real treasures in there but, sadly, it was just another door to the existing closet! It looks neat,though, and mom is going to put antique hinges on it.

Nick "working" on the ceiling. (smile) He got to wear the stilts for a while. ( I guess that was fun!)

This is the corner in the dining room that set the whole theme for the rest of the room. We decorated with French Cottage style antiques. It's awesome!
So,here is our new dining room. The new floor will be put in sometime soon(hopefully!).
This project was alot of fun,as usual, and the room looks so much better!
P.S. I will probably be sharing lots of pictures now that I found the cables for the camera!