Brrrrr!!! I thought we lived in Kansas,not Alaska!!! It's so cold outside and has been so cold for the past couple months! The snow is beautiful, but after awhile it's get to be just too much! All the snow from the previous snows that we have had is still melting in some spots and we got a little bit more today! This winter has been the wettest winter I remember and just when we think it's going to go away, we get more! I would love to post some pictures but all the pictures of the snow are on my 35mm camera!
As for "Mr.Sun" I don't think that he is feeling too well because he hasn't been shining all that much! :)He comes out for a little while each day but quickly goes back behind the clouds. I think someone needs to teach the clouds a lesson on not being such bullies to poor Mr.Sun!
There is some exiting news that I could share..... We got a 2004 GMC Yukon last week! It's really nice and very roomy compared to our 2003 Chevy Impala that we have been driving for the past couple years! Everybody has their own space and you aren't constantly touching the person beside you! I don't have any pictures of that either because I'm not crazy enough to stand outside in this cold weather to take pictures!
That is really just a quick update.Again, I apologize for the lack of pictures and the bore this post may be to you! As I am signing out I can't help but look back through the sliding glass door and see the overcast sky and the partially-snow-covered ground!! Yuck! I really hope this crazy weather moves on to some other part of the country soon! (And no, I don't feel sorry for the people that it gets next! If it gets anyone might be July before it goes away!)