Elizabeth and I trying sugar cane.Neither one of us liked it.
Me,mom,dad and Nick at a waterfall!
Mom and my Aunt Becky
This is the whole group that went.There were 33 of us!!
The orphanage that we visited was filled with adorable little kids.This is the one that sat with mom and dad during a church service.
By the end of the trip everyone was tired and all the guys in the back took a nap! I could only get these two in the picture.(Marc and Nick)
Elizabeth and I standing on a bridge looking over the highway.It was so beautiful with all the huge buildings on one side and the ocean on the other!
This was the hotel that we stayed in,in Panama City.
The bus!! I will talk about this at the end......
Elizabeth and I at the Panama Canal!
I don't know this little boys' name due to the language barrier.I did catch the word "loca" though! :)
Chad and Mariel...... :)
Becky and some kids in the nursery
These were just two cute little kids sitting on the edge of the street watching us.
Jennifer and I
Nick eating an orange lemon!
This is Geneva and two of the little girls.
This little girl would not leave Marc alone! She thought he was really neat!
The trip was amazing and my eyes were definitely opened to the Spiritual needs in other places.I loved Panama and was very sad to have to say good bye.Hopefully,I can go back for another visit someday and see some of the people and things that I miss!
When we got there,we were told we would all load onto a 33 passenger sized bus! Exactly the size that we needed.No one took into account,though,that Panamanians are smaller than the average American so it was very squished! You definitely became either better friends or enemies with the people you were sitting so close to! :)
We were there for ten days and while we were there we passed out thousands of tracts at the Independence Day parade,laughed at our guys learning to play soccer,saw many sights,ate orange lemons,drank chunky pear juice,went to an orphanage,ate IGUANA and so many more things!!! (Yes,I said iguana....I don't recommend this.)
It was soooooo much fun and I will never forget this trip! I may have to do another post sometime because there are so many more pictures and details! I will say in closing that if you ever have the chance to go on a missions trip,take it because you won't regret it!