Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pictures of our dining room project!

Here is the old wooden ceiling that was under the ceiling tiles. Mom wanted to scrape the paint and repaint it so we could leave it,but it was going to take alot of work.
Nick and Macy scraping wallpaper. (Nick doesn't take serious pictures)
Peyton wanted her picture taken but I was only taking pictures of people that were working, so, she went and did her hair then posed for a picture!
This is a close up of the wallpaper that was on the wall. We saved several small pieces of it.
Here is a little door that we found behind the paneling. I thought for sure we would find some real treasures in there but, sadly, it was just another door to the existing closet! It looks neat,though, and mom is going to put antique hinges on it.
Nick "working" on the ceiling. (smile) He got to wear the stilts for a while. ( I guess that was fun!)
This is the corner in the dining room that set the whole theme for the rest of the room. We decorated with French Cottage style antiques. It's awesome!

So,here is our new dining room. The new floor will be put in sometime soon(hopefully!).
This project was alot of fun,as usual, and the room looks so much better!
P.S. I will probably be sharing lots of pictures now that I found the cables for the camera!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Dining Room Project!

Remember in the first post when I said a "sometimes crazy place"?, I wasn't really expecting what would happen the next day!......
My grandpa (who we call papa) came to our house to redo a ceiling in our dining room and as he was taking out the old ceiling tiles we discovered very old Wayne's Coating on at least one of the walls. Of course this perked everyone's curiosity and we just had to see what was behind the paneling. Mom ended up loving the wall so we finished taking the paneling off and scraped the old wallpaper that covered the Wayne's Coating and now we have a beautiful wall!
I have lots of pictures of the whole process but somehow we have misplaced the cables to convert the pictures from the camera to the computer so as soon as I find them I will get the pictures posted.
Our house was originally built right after the Civil War by one of the soldiers. About 25 years ago an addition was put on the house. The old part of the house is beautiful limestone. When they put the addition on they left the limestone showing in what is now the living room but all the other rooms have paneling on the walls. We have painted over the old paneling and every room is a completely different color. (For those of you who know my mom you know what I'm talking about!)
My mom loves to decorate so we are always repainting, or rearranging furniture, or something! (We don't normally tear walls off though!) Anyway, this is only one of many projects that will probably be done in this house! So stay tuned for the pictures and any updates about our current craziness!

Monday, January 11, 2010


Hi! We are the Bryant kids. Hannah is the oldest at the age of 16. Next comes Nick at 15. After him comes Macy at 12 and last but certainly not least comes Peyton at 10! We have the wonderful privileges of being raised in a Christian home, being home schooled and also being raised in the country on a small farm. We all hope that this blog will be a fun and inspiring one for all ages as we share what goes on around this sometimes crazy place that we lovingly call home! So, welcome to our blog!!