Sunday, April 24, 2011


I imagine it so bright as to blind one's eyes,
So cold yet so hot it will take you  by surprise.
The feeling of all feelings,the pain is all gone.
Trees and bright flowers growing near a lily pond.
I imagine there will be all the things we love dear,
That God has created for the music to hear.
The sweet sound of His voice as He loves us so,
The leaping of our hearts,
The joy as it goes.
I imagine the angels glad to have some new friends,
As we sing and dance along,never have to make amends.
No wrong can be done as in the perfection you'll see,
Oh what a glorious place Heaven will be!
~Emily Dillon

I have obviously never been to heaven....this picture above shows the closest I've ever been.
My dear friend Emily wrote that poem and sent it to me and when I read it my eyes filled with tears as I began to imagine what Heaven will be like! I hadn't really thought about it all that much,but after reading that, I truly can't wait to see it. To walk on streets of gold,have a glorified body and ultimately to see my Savior and worship Him is an exiting thought!
So what do you think Heaven will be like??

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