Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pastor's School 2011

I just got back from a week in Indiana!! I went to the annual Pastor's School at First Baptist Church of Hammond Indiana.Each night the speakers did a great job and it was very evident that they were sensitive to the Holy Spirit and that God was in the midst of every service doing a great work! The speakers for the evenings were:Bro.Raymond Hancock, Bro.Tony Hudson, Bro.David Gibbs,Bro.Johnny Pope,Bro.Larry Brown,Bro.Clarence Sexton,Bro.Roberson and Bro.Jack Schaap! All amazing preachers!!

Cassie and I
Jaime and Cassie
Ashleigh and I
Jaime and Ashleigh
Madeline and I (and Cassie) :)


  1. Hey Hanney..I'm so excited to be on your blog!! :) I love the picture of us too..Not the one with half my face though!! :) Hehe..Not too cute..Cassie

  2. I like the pictures! they're always fun to look at! my bro. and his wife used to go to that church!


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